Exhibition Documentation, ARTCH 2020, Montreal.

Reading with Eyes Closed (Arise and Disappear), 2019

Reading with Eyes Closed (Veil), 2019

Reading with Eyes Closed (Gently Like Air), 2019

Reading with Eyes Closed ( ), 2019
Reading with Eyes Closed
In 2019, the editors of a photography book published an image/poem of mine as a two page spread. A few words of the poem ended up illegible — lost in the crease where the left and right pages met the book’s binding. Inspired by this instance of a digital image taking on a new life when transferred to print, I created compositions intended as two page spreads that deliberately bury words in the book’s inner folds. These images employ the physical format of the book to explore abstract concepts that defy easy articulation such as time, incorporeality, and becoming.